Never Procrastinate Again - My Life Coaching Tips
/Often I get inspired by what I read especially if it pertains to me, my family, friends and my life coaching clients and patients. I'm all about making a difference, giving some direction to help everyone to live an ON Purpose life and to carve out their Life path.
"NEVER PROCRASTINATE AGAIN" - New Research sheds light on the emotions behind our delay tactics, and how to tackle them-WSJ 9-1-2015
Really who doesn’t put off doing something that’s pressuring us, creating too much anxiety for something else potentially more pleasurable now and then?
Count me in on that one! My pleasure, throwing out papers, re-organizing my junk draw, re-arranging my closet, color coordinating my clothes, sorting out my heirloomsJ The list goes on and on!
Writing my first book, straightened me out. There were deadlines, folks that couldn’t proceed without my feedback, like a ghost writer, senior editor, an intimidating publisher looming large. I did not want to disappoint them, nor myself for that matter as a first time published author.
I have been working with a few patients on their procrastination and here are some of the tips that have helped them.
Break down long-term goals into smaller and more concrete sub goals
I call that mini goals or smaller bite sized chunks. My daughter Samara, was more able to study for a test, do her homework, take notes in class, when it was broken down and did not flood or overwhelm her poor overloaded brain.
List what you want to accomplish for the day hour by hour. Do your list every day. See that you stick to it. Give yourself lots of enthusiastic praise, cheerleading, when you commit and follow through. You Can Do It! Just Do It! Yay!!
This next one is a biggie for Over-Caretaking folks, like any of us can be at times.
Limit distractions to a ten-minute time period and whittle your way down to a few minutes! I know, I’m asking a lot!
Imagine a very upset friend on the phone, but you have to be somewhere, do something for yourself and good ole guilt crops up? What then?
Limit the phone call to ten minutes. Sounds cruel? I think not. Perhaps contact with your friend in chunks of time, especially if its an on-going relational issue, will be more helpful certainly for you and your pal as well.
Girls and women especially have a very hard time setting limits and boundaries and balancing Self and Other care. That’s just being self-respectful and considerate of your own needs. Prioritizing yourself is not a Self-ish act. It’s an act of Self-care!
Have an Accountability Partner. That’s right, someone beside yourself and your gratitude journal to account to. It’s like my deadlines again. Thinking of our AP helps us structure our time better and creates a good frame for our anxiety, which truly drives our Procrastination.
Think of this new change in your attitude and behavior with pride and pleasure.