Creating and Building Confidence in Girls

Owning your own voice is a right for every human being. Today our focus was in “Building Confidence in Girls,” an event held at Athleta Soho in Manhattan. Athleta is all about “Power To The She!” I was blessed to be on a panel with Mahri owner of Body Conceptions and Lauren from Girls Leadership. 

After mingling, Mahri gave her amazing BOCO dance/workout class to uplifting music which culminated in Perry’s “You’re Gonna Hear Me Roar.” Once settled our event was all about Moms and daughters and Mom’s key role in being her daughter’s staunchest supporter, cheerleader, North Star of good judgement.

I was particularly pleased to do a quick guided meditation, repeat after me, “I am well able, I am confident, I am beautiful inside and out, I am empowered, I have a voice, I matter! The girls were awesome, smart, adorable, filled with enthusiasm, as were their delightful Moms. Mahri is such an inspiration as was Lauren. Always a delight to have my daughter Samara Goldberg present. She is radiant with sunshine and wisdom far past her 27 years!

My book, “What Do You Expect? She’s A Teenager! A Hope and Happiness Guide for Moms with Daughters ages 11-19, Sourcebooks, was the perfect fit for the raffle. Alexa won it! Isn’t she the sweetest, so full of energy and hope! Janine Zeccardi, I love your daughter! It was a delight to sign my book for them both! 

No coincidence that this happened to be the day of the Women’s March!

Some of the Moms afterward, Samara, Lauren and Mahri marched! Quite the day to be heard, matter, love and to be loved in Manhattan, Washington, D.C., Chicago, Atlanta, USA and all across the world!

A day for girls and women’s solidarity, having each other’s back, collaboration and love!

About 500,000 strong in the Big Apple, women, girls, grandmothers, sisters, friends, cousins, and the boys and men that love us. What an awe inspiring pro-active Stand Together day for Women and Human Rights!