/I had the thrill of “there are no coincidences” within the frame of 2 weeks. I just did a gig for parents and educators on HORMONES TEENS SOCIAL MEDIA, and my favorite gynecologist, Dr. Miriam Greene’s producer Lori Parker called me to do a Radio segment on the THOSE TURBULENT TEEN years! Really, OMG! What a great platform for my book, What Do You Expect? She’s A Teenager! A Hope and Happiness Guide for Moms with daughters ages 11-19 Sourcebooks. Miriam is a pisser, a great conversationalist, funny as heck!!! We spoke so much about raising daughters in a very complex and overstimulating social climate. Her daughters are grown and one recently married. My daughter Samara, age 27, is very launched in her life. The live show was for moms dealing with daughters going through puberty. It look place at the main lobby at NYU Langone!
So what’s a parent to do she asked?
I said, Be a snoop! Check out your teens social media. However be prepared that there are ways to get around you! I mentioned Finsta, a fake account your teen can set up ONLY FOR for their peers. Here you are following them in Instagram, unaware of what they’re really up to!
Miriam said OY….
We spoke about the specific physical changes for boys and girls and those turbulent hormones, estrogen and testosterone that shift your sweet little girl and boy away from you and closer to their peers. Remember what it was like for you as a teen?
I gave some tips before some really excellent live Call Ins from Moms and Dads
Especially if they see their teen acting out of character or behaving in a way that calls attention to themselves, moody, depressed, crying jags, dropping grades, enraged, combative, drinking, drugs, other self harmful behavior
Parents need to BE ACCESSIBLE, OPEN, FLEXIBLE, BE THEIR TEENS BRAIN TRUST. Life insurance for their teens guarding and protecting them from strong risky behavior. Their pre-frontal cortex is not quite developed until mid-20’s, their amygdala, the seat of strong emotions, is in charge! Parents are their children’s and TEENS FIRST ROLE MODEL, NORTH STAR OF GOOD JUDGEMENT
Parents have UNCOMFORTABLE TALKS-SEX, DRUGS, ALCOHOL. It’s all about Anticipation, Preparation, Protection, Prevention
Miriam must have mentioned my book title, who I am and where to buy it at least 6 times throughout the hour. I was so grateful for this impactful USA platform! Miriam is the best!!!
Then came some fabulous calls from parents!
There was Lots of coaching and advice in a light hearted way between Miriam and I to some smart savvy curious parents who wanted to be more aware.
One Mom asked, “My daughter is 13 and she has a boy who is a friend, age 13. They are not really dating, but I see them outside holding hands, while walking the dog. It’s all very innocent,” she said.
I’m paraphrasing “Is there cause for concern?”
I said, maybe not right now, however have the uncomfortable talk about hormonal urges that sets the stage for experimentation. It’s starts with a kiss.I didn’t want to alarm this lovely Mom, but it gave me the opportunity to talk about sexual contact and how fast it can move to Oral Sex.
I shared a cute vignette with Miriam and the Mom spoken to me by a lovely physician. “My son at age 13 was approached by a girl at a football game, asking him, “Do you want a BJ?” He paused and said, “I have to ask my Mom!” He was very close to his Mom who chuckled and used this as a wonderful entry into talking about romance, your first time, make it special, not casual and self and other respect and consideration. As well as for future use of running by “My Mom,” as a way to say a soft”No Thanks” etc., Now that was a TRANSFORMATIVE TEACHING MOMENT this Mom got and continues to get lots of mileage on!
There were so many calls. Yay!!! Suffice it to say I’LL BE BACK for more