Mindful Self Care for Millennials

This summer I was blessed with not one, not two but 3 Smart Empowered Female Interns each with an incredible skill set and charming engaging personality.

First to connect was Caitlin Holt. Caitlin now a Senior at Pearl River High School, is a wonderful writer, feminist, and trained ballet dancer. She dazzled me at the Coupe Dance Recital in June 2016. She's an Advanced Placement student, a gal who manages her schedule and time management with the precision and grace of a dancer on point!

Caitlin has accompanied me to SAB rehearsals, NYCB and Joyce Theater dance performances. Her write ups are NY Times level with a depth of kindness and appreciation for all the practice, rehearsal and psychological work that goes into making a performance look like a work of art. She's been there and gets it!

Caitlin also took over where Kristen left off. She and I worked on sessions 5-9 of my Revised and Updated: Mindful Intuitive Eating 9 Session Support Group for Binge Eaters. She's a quick study! Thank you Caitlin

Kristen, a Senior at Cornell University, has been working with one of her professors on an Eating Disorder and Athletics project. We met, chatted and the next thing I knew we revamped sessions 1-4 with her Kristen experienced touch. Kristen is an avid tennis player who played up until recently Tennis D 1 at Cornell. She's teaching Tennis for the Summer and interning for Jennifer Register-McGurk, an RD colleague.

Neelam is a wonderkind! She's a George Washington University Junior, a psychology major, with a strong savvy marketing know how. Neelam has been instrumental in redesigning my web, adding my 5 passion blogs, and getting my 9 session support group promoted on my web in a gorgeous layout! She's is Jamaican born, very worldly,a great conversationalist, all of 20 years.

All 3 interns took my "Mindful Self Care: YOU are your MOST significant other" workshop. Shocking they couldn't sing "I'm flying" from Peter Pan the musical, however they have made beautiful music and have worked collaboratively with me and with each other!

I am truly thankful and blessed to get to know and learn from each of them. I love being a student of life, open minded, passionate and excited to teach and learn from young strong passionate empowered women! The future is in great hands:)D